Configuration of the file “GridCommon.ini”
The file “Gridcommon.ini” in the subdirectory “config-include” contains many important settings. Here the database for your own regions is selected, also various URLs (web addresses) are set for the grid of your choice your server will be connected to. Starting point for this tutorial is the “GridCommon.ini.example” as included in the OpenSim Download.
Section DatabaseService
Here the database is selected, either SQLite or MySQL. The respective other choice must be commented out with semicolons (;)!
SQLite is included in OpenSim and does not need to be previously installed or configured. Please do not get confused by the word “Standalone” in the file name, you can still connect your regions to a grid. Select the following settings to use SQLite:
Include-Storage = "config-include/storage/SQLiteStandalone.ini"
For MySQL a database server and a database has to be set up in advance, as described for example in this tutorial. MySQL is more powerful than SQLite, namely one of the fastest free of use database programs. For MySQL, choose the following settings:
StorageProvider = "OpenSim.Data.MySQL.dll" ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Database=opensim;User ID=opensim;Password=TopSecret;Old Guids=true;"
In this example, the database is called “opensim”, the user is also called “opensim” and the password is “TopSecret”. Pay attention to capitalization! The database is located on the same machine (localhost).
Other sections
The following modules define various connections to the grid you want to connect to. Here are example settings for OSGrid. Of course, you have to decide on the same grid for all the settings!
[Hypergrid] HomeURI = "" GatekeeperURI = ""
[Modules] AssetCaching = "FlotsamAssetCache" Include-FlotsamCache = "config-include/FlotsamCache.ini"
[AssetService] AssetServerURI = ""
[InventoryService] InventoryServerURI = ""
[GridInfo] GridInfoURI = ""
[GridService] GridServerURI = "" Gatekeeper = ""
[Messaging] Gatekeeper = ""
[AvatarService] AvatarServerURI = ""
[AgentPreferencesService] AgentPreferencesServerURI = ""
[PresenceService] PresenceServerURI = ""
[UserAccountService] UserAccountServerURI = ""
[GridUserService] GridUserServerURI = ""
[AuthenticationService] AuthenticationServerURI = ""
[FriendsService] FriendsServerURI = ""
[HGInventoryAccessModule] RestrictInventoryAccessAbroad = false HomeURI = "" Gatekeeper = ""
[HGAssetService] HomeURI = ""
[UserAgentService] UserAgentServerURI = ""
[MapImageService] MapImageServerURI = ""
[MuteListService] ;; Only in Grids which already use the new V2 OpenSimMutelist module! MuteListServerURI = ""
Interesting optional entries
Sometimes there are constant problems loading assets, which is reflected in countless error messages in the OpenSim console and incorrect presentation of various random objects. If the cause can not be solved, one option is to try it more often, for example 50 times. (Default is 0.)
[InventoryService] ; MaxRetries = 0
“OutboundPermission = false” prohibits Hypergrid visitors from copying objects. This setting can be useful if there are no vendors on the regions or other objects that are to be passed on. (Default is “true”.) However, this does not protect against copies using specially modified OpenSim viewers!
[HGInventoryAccessModule] ; OutboundPermission = true
Continued: Configuration of the file “OpenSim.ini”