Package selection

If the provider offers a “minimal” default installation of “openSUSE Leap 15.6”, this can be taken as base system. Further package deinstallation is not necessary. With Yast, also OpenSuse offers a “Server” base system. In the package management the following settings are sufficient: “Minimal Base System”, “Minimal Appliance Base” and “YaST Base Utilities”.

Integrate Package Repositories in Yast

Select the menu “Software -> Software Repositories”. The dialog “Configured Software Repositories” shows up. If the provider has preconfigured other entries, you can delete them. Later, with closed FTP port, repositories will not be accessible over FTP anyways. After that set up the following repositories:

Install Software Packages

It is recommended to perform an online update of the operating system first.

Now select the menu “Software -> Software Management” to open the package administration. Next install the following packages:

  • mariadb
  • tmux
  • cronie
  • vim (optional other editors possible)

By this selection, many other dependent packages are also being installed.

For OpenSim up to version 9.2 additionally install Mono:

  • mono-complete

For OpenSim version 9.3, instead .NET 6.0 is required. This must be installed from a Microsoft repository, which must therefore be referenced beforehand. For convenience, here in the command line:

sudo zypper install libicu
sudo rpm --import
sudo mv prod.repo /etc/zypp/repos.d/microsoft-prod.repo
sudo chown root:root /etc/zypp/repos.

sudo zypper install dotnet-runtime-6.0 libgdiplus0

Continued: Time and language configuration

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